natsume yuujinchou shi 10th episode

the 10th episode of natsume yuujinchou shi is about the houdzuki and fudzuki god fighting. its the continue from 9th episode. so shortly houdzuki and fudzuki are god who fight for every 10 years. i can say houdzuki is kind god while fudzuki is the evil (eventhough using kind and evil for this doesn’t feel right) houdzuki always wins for the battle. but his power begins fading and he was sealed in a stone by an exorcist. because of his power is weaken, he even can’t undo the seal. his followers panicked cause the battle for this year will begin. so then his followers asked natsume to take the role of houdzuki. hearing that if fudzuki will win the battle the mountain will all dried up, natsume is willing to help.

in the other hand, hattori is instructed to handle this god fighting thingy, he is ordered to exorcist fudzuki. he ended up teamed with natsume to handle this thing. natsume as the fake houdzuki wins this battle. but fudzuki knows that he is the fake houdzuki. after found the stone that sealed houdzuki, he undo the seal.

knowing houdzuki’s power is fading away, fudzuki said that the battle is over. he offered houdzuki to follow him and leave the mountain.


needless to say, as a fangirl i saw so many bl hints here. at first i really thought that houdzuki is female. seeing his clothes is like that. i was like “so houdzuki is female, huh? the clothes is violet houdzuki must be female. but wait—how if houdzuki is male?” then that question is answered in 10th episode. uh well, now one more pairing is added in this series. fudzuki and houdzuki ( ̄ー ̄)

and the second pairing is hattori and natsume. here, natsume looks more uke-ish than usual. like this:

and scenes that show hattori and natsume


i hate admitting those pairings in this series cause i dislike bl-thingy in this kind of series. but uh well…..i can’t help it orz i watch natsume yuujinchou because of its pure and fuwafuwa(?) story and i didn’t even expect this kind of thing ಠ_ಠ

aside of that i still enjoying watching this series and try my best to ignore bl thingy orz

Natsume Yuujinchou Shi 6th episode

here i am and will talk about natsume yuujinchou again

i’ve watched natsume yuujinchou shi 7th epi but what i’ll talk about is the 6th epi .

so the story in this epi is about natsume takashi stucks in a youkai’s bottle. he can’t get out until the the owner open the bottle himself. he worries about his family if they will search for him so nyanko-sensei helps him with changes his form into natsume. and this is the interesting thing in this epi for me lollll. because………………….oh you just need to take a look nyanko-sensei!natsume form(?)

here some caps from 6th epi

honestly i just too lazy to write a complete review about this epi so thats why i just want to share those unsual natsume faces lolll /shot

Natsume Yuujinchou Shi

its my first post here hehehe not the first actually /so?

i dont know what to write in my blog so i’m trying to do review from my point of view. though its useless to read for sure lollll

for this winter season 2011/2012 i take some animes to follow and one of them is Natsume Yuujinchou Shi. and this is a must to watch anime for me ehehehe

i’ve watched all the seasons (Natsume Yuujinchou, Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou, and Natsume Yuujinchou San). i started watching this series when Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou ended and before Natsume Yuujinchu San started airing. i was curious after hearing so many ppl watch this series and i was like “what is this series about?” and started to catch up. and it was turning out “WTF IS THIS SERIES??!” and ofc in a good way lolll


so shortly this story tells about a boy named Natsume Takashi who could see youkai (ghost in japanese and japanese folk creatures? lolll idk;;; ggrks. /shot). he has no parents and his families take care of him. because of his ableness(?) to see youkai, ppl see him as a weird and creepy boy since he was a child. his families transfer him into other families and so on. he is moved cause all his families who take care of him cant stand his weirdness (weird doesnt sound right;;; how to say it). until one of his far away family asks him to live with them and Natsume happily says yes cause this is the first time someone is wanting his existance. and the main thing in this series is about the Yuujinchou or The Book of Friends. this  book is Natsume’s grandmother’s, Natsume Reiko. this book contains names of youkais that have had fight with Natsume Reiko. the youkais wrote their name down on The Book of Friends. so shortly the relation between the youkais and Natsume Reiko is more like slave and master. and the story continues and blablablablabla /shot

and Natsume Yuujinchou Shi is the 4th season (you dont say.jpg). in this season the story is starting to get serious. lol no, i mean ‘evolve’. yes it is. i’ve watched till the 4th episodes . the 1st and 2nd epis are a bit serious cause its involving that matoba guy who after natsume to make natsume become an exorcist like him. but in the end it failed. and the daily lives of Natsume Takashi starts again. dealing with youkais’ wish and stuffs.

here are some screenshots from Natsume Yuujinchou Shi


i dont know how to describe about this anime but i can say this anime is so fuwafuwa (??)

so that how it is and sorry for my crappy english.

okay. bye.