Ajin: Demi-Human


No human is pure good. That is what differs human from the so called angel. However, often this part is failed to be portrayed well in a story. I always believe even the goodest person has a slight evil in them. And this belief makes me only attracted to stories with complex characterization. Every person is unique. Although, there has been some categorization of human’s personalities (such as MBTI), I believe each never suffice how to describe a person as a whole. People are more unique than those 16 personality types.

The previous paragraph pretty much explains why I like Ajin. Continue reading

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru.


Oregairu in short. The title is too damn long. I took an interest in this title when I read the summary on anime chart. Because the protagonist is a loner and anti social I thought maybe I’ll give it a shot. I watched the first episode. Not really good impression just so-so. But I do think it’s good. Because of that I decided to hold up this for a while. I thought I’ll drop it when nothing good comes when I watch the next episode. Then I saw someone who said things in oregairu are just too real with our life. So I decided to continue when it has reached 11th episode.  And I think this title is one of good spring animes that is worth to watch ^p^

This anime is about a high school boy who is a super antisocial. Then his homeroom teacher ask volunteer service club to fix his personality and such. The service club itself has only one member, Yukinoshita Yukino, the prettiest girl in school who is inferior at everything. Because of that she’s often get “bullied” since people always get jealous over perfect person. Kind of the same as Hachiman, Yukino doesn’t have a “normal” life. It turns out Hachiman is the part of the club. And there goes their activity club begins.


What I really like in this series is you totally can relate things here with your life. I watch this and I go like “loll so true” or “right right that happens with me too”. I like how Hachiman and Yukino saying the truth. They say it straight forwardly. Seems I like this series is also because my thought are perfectly in sync with Hachiman in socially matters. How you see your classmates and such. I also like how comedy and romance things are slipped. It’s such a waste this anime will come to an end soon.



I started reading Bakuman bcs it has the same author and artist as Death Note. I read the review in a magazine. Eventhough I read it, I don’t know what it is about. Because I only read it. When I began read it I was like “e? this has a completely different genre with death note!” but similar to Death Note it has bunch of words and the same as Death Note it somehow made me tired of reading since it’s not a novel.  Aside of that I enjoy reading it till it’s ended. Interesting story I’d say.

Bakuman is about two middle schoolers who aim to become famous mangaka. Mashiro Moritaka as the artist and Takagi Akito as the author under the name Ashirogi Muto. Takagi is the one who asks Mashiro to team up as a mangaka. Some things happened and Mashiro  promises her girlfriend, Azuki Miho, he will become mangaka and one day if his manga is adapted into anime, then Azuki will take a role to voice the heroine on it and the get married.

Since this manga is about manga there are lot of manga titles. KIYOSHI, CROW, Perfect Crime Party, Otter 11, Kami-sama ga kureta,  Money and Intelligence, REVERSI, etc. There are just lot of them. I even want to read the mangas inside this manga loll. I wonder if the author, Tsugumi Ohba, has thought the entire/clear story line of them or just the rough/vague story line. If I’m asked what manga I want to read the most from Bakuman then I’d say it’s Classroom of Truth.

I can’t helped but see this work is Takeshi Obata and Tsugumi Ohba’s experiences. And I can’t stop comparing it with Death Note in some ways. REVERSI is the most successful manga of Ashirogi Muto. I’d say it’s Death Note of Bakuman. Both of them have an evil protagonist with disgusting idealism of life. If Death Note’s protagonist kills people to wipe the evil from the world then REVERSI’s protagonist force his way of thinking into people. Both of them have fated enemy of justice. But unlike Death Note, which the fated enemy is died and is replaced, in REVERSI, the protagonist and his fated enemy fight till the end and died. I remember Takagi says that he doesn’t want to make new enemy appearance after this. He believes this is the most perfect ending for REVERSI. Eventhough REVERSI is only six-volumes long. This reminds me of Death Note. Back then when I read Death Note I was surprised and jgfahdjkdshmixed feelings after the fated enemy dies. To be honest, I feel a bit disappointed. Coincidence? REVERSI ended in six volumes with both of the protagonist and his fated enemy died. When Death Note, the fated enemy died in volume seven. Half of the whole story. Death Note is ended in 12 volumes. It just looks like Tsugumi Ohba wants to end Death Note the same way as REVERSI. But why she didn’t do it? Loll anyway Bakuman and Death Note have its own amusement. I’m really looking forward to the next work of this duo. Just make Classroom of Truth! Or is it not good enough to be made into a real manga series?

Kotonoha no Niwa

vlcsnap-2013-06-13-12h54m12s219At first I was planning to watch Kotonoha no Niwa without knowing what it is about. I only heard this is a sad one. Then until I googled it up it has similar story with 5 Centimeters per Second, “Oh it’s created by the same creator”.  Yes both of them are created by Makoto Shinkai. About unreachable love.

Kotonoha no Niwa or The Garden of Words is about a high school boy, Akizuki, who skips school in rainy morning to sit in the garden spending his time to make shoes design. Being a shoes maker is his dream. Every rainy morning in the garden he meets an office lady who seems always skipping her work. They always meet each other in the garden when it’s raining in the morning. This garden is where their story begins.

The same as 5 Centimeters per Second, it has beautiful animation. Music is good too. I was afraid to watch this because of 5 Centimeters per Second. Just how I cried after watching it. So I decided to prepare myself. And yeah this is sad. And I did cry. And thanks god I can say that this has a happy ending compared to 5 cms/s. 5 cms/s it’s just too sad it makes me cry multiple times than Kotonoha no Niwa does.


5 Centimeters per Second


Just hearing the title makes me go teary a bit. 5 Centimeters per Second or Byousoku 5 Centimeters is a 3 episodes movie. Based on the manga with the same title. I don’t know where to start talking about this movie. THIS MOVIE IS SO FREAKING SAD. Bcs of it I regret watching this movie. No, I’m not kidding. When I’m typing this, I think my pain that I got from this movie already faded away bit by bit. I remember in the last minutes of this movie (third episode) I was so surprised that it didn’t end with happy ending. I cried for minutes. Or even hours? After watching this I went to sleep while I was still in tears. I slept. Then for hours later I woke up. I remembered again that before sleeping I watched 5cms/second. I was fucking crying again /sigh. I don’t know if it’s me who is just crybaby or this movie REALLY IS fucking sad. I really don’t know how to react about this movie.


So let’s see, this movie is absolutely romance. A sad one, that’s it. It’s about Tohno and Akari who are both elementary students. They’re used to transfer from school to school due to their parents’ job. They’re comfortable with each other. But one day Akari moved. They start to send letters. Till one day Tohno is about to move too. They decided to meet once again. Maybe for the last time. They like each other but never mutter the word like DAMMIT. This is one of fucking reasons why I hate this movie *crying* ok that meeting is their last time. Dammit dammit. They never meet again. Till they’ve both married to another person. In the movie Tohno always wears the depressed face when Akari looks happy with her new life with her husband. Woman really knows how to fake, yeah? *crying* Oh and the second episode is about unrequited love. A girl who likes Tohno but she knows Tohno already likes someone else. To be honest I don’t really care about this. After I watch this movie I realized there is thing that hurts more than unrequited love; couple who loves each other but can’t be together.


Overall this movie is awesome. It makes me cry more than another series. Even when I typed this I was crying haha. The animation is good. The sceneries are beautiful. Music is good too. Makes me crying even more haha. Bcs of that I don’t ever again want to remember this movie. The pain still remains in me *crying* I hope after I write this feeling of mine of 5cms/second makes me a bit lighter. Why do I sound like a depressed girl who just broke up haha. I do sound exaggerate way too much but this is what I truly feel about this movie.  So, I RECOMMEND YOU TO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE O_<


Shingeki no Kyojin First Impression



 Shingeki no Kyojin or Attack on Titan is my favorite anime of spring 2013. The one which I’m looking forward the most in a week. I begun watching this because everyone in twitter keep saying something like “HOLY SHIT SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN” and just like that i tried the first ep. And yes that was sooooooooooooooooooooo cool? Good? Gorgeous? Awesome? This anime is based on the same title manga by Isayama Hajime. Though I do really want to read the manga but I’m afraid it will ruin the mood when watching the new ep of the anime oTL The feeling when finished watching the first ep was like “finally a good series. It’s been a while since I finished Code Geass.” Though I don’t know which one is better and I don’t give a fuck to compare them cs they’re different.


 So Shingeki no Kyojin takes place an era where mankind is being threatened by giants (titans) existence. Mankind is nearly disappear and the remaining man built high walls to prevent titans from coming closer so titans can’t eat them. From what I read on myanimelist, the titans eat human isn’t bcs they’re starving monsters but they enjoy seeing human suffer and such. The 50 meters high walls had been protected them from titans for the past 100 years. And there was no a single titan that managed to penetrate the wall. But one day after those 100 years of happy life, a red big titan kicked the wall. This titan is as tall as he is capable to see up the wall. The kick left a hole in the wall. The regular titans, which are around as tall as a home building, managed to get in through the hole. And begin to eat their food, humans.




 The main characters are Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. In the middle of chaos, Eren run towards his home to save his mother but his mother’s leg is trapped between debris. In the end, Eren’s mother can’t be saved and eaten by a titan. Eren who saw that scene, is holding a grudge towards titan. And swearing that he will kill all of the titans without one of them left.


 The animations is good. I heard the manga is worse and I take a peek one or two pages. And well- yeah it’s like that. The music is good too. Either it’s opening ending insert song or bgm. This is a good series. Worth to watch.


fall season 2012

Heeeeeeey i want to write smth but i keep procrastinating orz well i want to write smth about one of the animus i watch this fall season buuuut hmph idk why do i keep procrastinating. I even procrastinate to watch the updatest of those animus ep but instead i keep watching running man. I guess i miss watching smth funny cz these past months i’ve not watched comedy genred animu. The last comedy genred animu which i watched is i guess it’s danshi koukousei. Well yea i watched another comedy like shirokuma cafe and tonari no kaibutsukun but i think i need smth similar to arakawa under the bridge, danshi koukousei no nichijou, and sket dance. Ah! Maybe i should watch gintama but so many eps to catch up *CRIES* nope  i don’t want to start watching it by the newest ep of gintama 2012 or is it called kintama if i’m not wrong guessing. And DMCA now adays keep tightening it makes us more difficult to dl things. Yea mf is still kickin’ but it always deletes the files which are uploaded even just in a day 8( ilegal things can’t be done that easy huh


Back to the fall animus I take chuunibyou, k, tonari no kaibutsukun, litchi hikari club, zetsuen no tempest, magi, little busters, code:breaker, btooom!, bakuman 3rd season, psychopass, jormungand: perfect order, robotics;notes, and sukinayo. I planned to add jojo bizarre. But those titles, some are already dropped and is on hold on for a while(cz i’m not sure whether i’m interested to them or not lol /kicked)



  • Little busters. I tried to watch because of the main char is voiced by midorikawa hikaru. But it didn’t trun out well as for me. Maybe because it’s adapted from eroge (it’s vn or eroge i’m not sure). Watched the first ep and my first impression is wtf i don’t like the story so it was automatically dropped.



  • Code:breaker. My first impression of this title is uhm typical shonen. I don’t really like the heroine. And the mainchar is cool-arrogant type i guess. And i think plot will be boring buuuuut i guess i need to watch more to decide whether this title is  as i guessed or i’m wrong.
  • Chuunibyou. It’s made by kyoani. It’s cute and unbearably moe and at first when i watched the ad i thought that this title is battle genred but i was wrong. i was excited to see battle plus kyoani but erghhhhh the battle is just a delusional world of a girl. It’s cute though. I’m dissapponted it’s not battle genred but i think i want to watch it more.
  • Robotics;notes. I only watched the first ep. It seems interesting. I think i’m going to keep watching it. But so many eps.
  • Zetsuen no  tempest. Basically this title is BL. I have watched till 3rd ep but still didn’t feel any excitement so i’m not sure to continue or drop. Though i’ve dled till six.



  • Tonari no kaibutsukun. Cute comedy-romance-shoujo genred.
  • K. absolutely a BL titles. Fangirl material.
  • Litchi hikari club. First i watch the animu. It’s so short just 3 minutes per one ep. The fans of this series got dissapointed cz the animu is chibi/comedy animated compared the manga which i heard is a good one so i tried to read the manga and wooooah a hardcore gore plus BL. and nice nice i found the animu cute after read the manga so i keep watching up till now.
  • Magi. I think this is a must title one for fangirl so i tried and it turns out well cause has so many good seiyuus ^q^ story is good chars are candy eye  i think. Yea, another fangirl material.
  • Btooom!. good battle tittle i like it. Has similar basic with SAO but i think this is much better. Well i’ve written about btooom in the previous post.
  • Bakuman 3rd season. I read the manga. I watched the 1st and 2nd season so i just need to watch the 3rd.
  • Psychopass. Good story. Raising my tension and building my expectation. Has gore potentials but there is no a single gore scene or such. too bad 8’(
  • Jormungand: perfect order. I watched the 1st season it’s so cool so i need the 2nd season.
  • Sukitte iinayo. Typical shoujo series. A mellow-serious one i think. It’s good and refreshing so why not.



Wew i wrote so much. Didn’t plan to write this though i was thinking to write about running man when typing the first paragraph. But weeeeell good thing i ended up writing smth *\(^p^)/*


fall 2012

BTOOOM! first impression

Before I picked BTOOOM! to my watch list I doubted a bit because this is a madhouse’s work. Somehow I don’t really like it reminds me of Death Note anime. The manga is far better for the beauty of artwork. But I picked it in the end the op song is sung by nano :’D wwwwwwwww before the anime started airing, the full of the song is already posted on niconico. I heard it once. But something must’ve been wrong with me why I just felt “uhm” after hearing the song. Because when I heard it in the anime it’s really good lol the feeling when it’s related to anime’s work, huh?

my first impression of BTOOOM! is an o.k. pretty good I think. Seems promising. Indeed BTOOOM! reminds me of SAO. A bit similar about how we are forced to play the game for real. But this is based on ‘our punishment’ for doing smth bad when SAO is just because the creator want to play. What is the name of the main char again….his first scene really reminds me of Light Yagami. Maybe because it’s madhouse or he IS similar to Light I dunno. BTOOOM!’s mainchar is the pathetic type so far?;; he even throws his console to his mom

Because he didn’t know how to use his bomb. He didn’t even notice that he has to press the switch button of the bomb to active the bomb and the bomb is on timer oTL but maybe this is natural? the form of his ‘shock’ to be thrown to play the game for real? Eventhough he is in the top ten on BTOOOM! game.

basically this anime is about a NEET who is forced to play his favorite game for real. And the heroine is a high school girl who has ridiculous size of boobs. Somehow heroines with super huge boobs always managed to annoy me. Especially the one who is extremely young but has got huge boobs in young age. How can those shoulders manage to carry those huge balls over her chest. (ok this is OOT)


Arcana Famiglia

Arcana Famiglia is one of summer animu which I took. I just took some titles cause I don’t really like animu mostly in this season. I planned to take natsuyuki, SAO, jintai, binbougami, kokoroco, and arcana. But in the end I just took SAO, jintai, binbougami, kokoroco, and arcana. And among these titles just 2 titles are still being followed. SAO, I still contimue watching but kokoroco is on-hold =w=;; I’ve dled some eps tho but too lazy to start new series which don’t have any impactful part that interests me. I dropped jintai after watching the first ep. And dropped binbougami at 3rd ep.

Before I decide to try arcana, I knew that this animu is an adaptation from otoge. I knew this animu is tagged as shoujo but I wonder why no reverse harem tag? Lot of ppl said the animu adaptation isn’t that good. maybe because it’s J.C or so idk I can’t compare with the game I don’t play it. When I finished with the 1st ep, I thought the 2nd ep is gonna be full of battle crap but WTF? Up till now I watched till 4th ep and there is no a single scene about the duel. The 2nd ep is just saving a lost cat. 3rd ep is basically about Nova and 4th ep is about Liberta.

Arcana is just not my portion ^_^;; what I should point again hmmmm…..ah the heroine looks so plain. Felicita. Twintail, short skirt. And so far from what I heard she mostly said “uhm” or “yes” etc =_=

Nova, the shortie who resembles Ciel Phantomhive a lot. He doesn’t really give “wooah” aura as a main char. In the 2nd ep Nova seems jealous to Liberta who holds Felicita’s hands. I just don’t know how is his feeling towards oujou-sama and her osananajimi.

In the 3rd ep there are lot of LibertaFelicita. I wonder why not with Nova? I thought it’s possible if the reason is because Nova is too short for Felicita lol

And Pace. At first I really thought “HUH? SUGITA?” but I ‘decided’ not to think he is voiced by Sugita because when he speaks, some of his tones are really not Sugita-ish (the comment of someone as a beginner fan of his). But because I’m curious, I checked MAL and “so he really is Sugita…”

There is one char I don’t really like. He is Debito. Dunno why maybe because he has Bossun’s voice? I’m used of the seiyuu’s voice as Bossun so it’s a bit ‘ughhh’ when I heard his voice in Debito’s tone. Like “Bambina~~” ew. Not that I hate Debito though. I don’t dislike him too. But I think it’s just a mismatch between voice and char.

Arcana has 3 chars who resemble another char’s anime. First, it’s Nova = Ciel’s Kuroshitsuji. Second, Luca = Gilbert Nightray ‘s Pandora Hearts and the last, Jolly = Shizu-chan’s DRRR!!. Somehow Jolly looks like a pedo in my eyes idk. And Shizu-chan is way cooler (idk if I am biased or not ^_^;)

Aaaand the lame sexual jokes like this one.

I watched until 4th ep just because I’ve dled till 4. But I have decided I’ll drop arcana when I finished watchind 2nd ep.

natsume yuujinchou shi 10th episode

the 10th episode of natsume yuujinchou shi is about the houdzuki and fudzuki god fighting. its the continue from 9th episode. so shortly houdzuki and fudzuki are god who fight for every 10 years. i can say houdzuki is kind god while fudzuki is the evil (eventhough using kind and evil for this doesn’t feel right) houdzuki always wins for the battle. but his power begins fading and he was sealed in a stone by an exorcist. because of his power is weaken, he even can’t undo the seal. his followers panicked cause the battle for this year will begin. so then his followers asked natsume to take the role of houdzuki. hearing that if fudzuki will win the battle the mountain will all dried up, natsume is willing to help.

in the other hand, hattori is instructed to handle this god fighting thingy, he is ordered to exorcist fudzuki. he ended up teamed with natsume to handle this thing. natsume as the fake houdzuki wins this battle. but fudzuki knows that he is the fake houdzuki. after found the stone that sealed houdzuki, he undo the seal.

knowing houdzuki’s power is fading away, fudzuki said that the battle is over. he offered houdzuki to follow him and leave the mountain.


needless to say, as a fangirl i saw so many bl hints here. at first i really thought that houdzuki is female. seeing his clothes is like that. i was like “so houdzuki is female, huh? the clothes is violet houdzuki must be female. but wait—how if houdzuki is male?” then that question is answered in 10th episode. uh well, now one more pairing is added in this series. fudzuki and houdzuki ( ̄ー ̄)

and the second pairing is hattori and natsume. here, natsume looks more uke-ish than usual. like this:

and scenes that show hattori and natsume


i hate admitting those pairings in this series cause i dislike bl-thingy in this kind of series. but uh well…..i can’t help it orz i watch natsume yuujinchou because of its pure and fuwafuwa(?) story and i didn’t even expect this kind of thing ಠ_ಠ

aside of that i still enjoying watching this series and try my best to ignore bl thingy orz