5 Centimeters per Second


Just hearing the title makes me go teary a bit. 5 Centimeters per Second or Byousoku 5 Centimeters is a 3 episodes movie. Based on the manga with the same title. I don’t know where to start talking about this movie. THIS MOVIE IS SO FREAKING SAD. Bcs of it I regret watching this movie. No, I’m not kidding. When I’m typing this, I think my pain that I got from this movie already faded away bit by bit. I remember in the last minutes of this movie (third episode) I was so surprised that it didn’t end with happy ending. I cried for minutes. Or even hours? After watching this I went to sleep while I was still in tears. I slept. Then for hours later I woke up. I remembered again that before sleeping I watched 5cms/second. I was fucking crying again /sigh. I don’t know if it’s me who is just crybaby or this movie REALLY IS fucking sad. I really don’t know how to react about this movie.


So let’s see, this movie is absolutely romance. A sad one, that’s it. It’s about Tohno and Akari who are both elementary students. They’re used to transfer from school to school due to their parents’ job. They’re comfortable with each other. But one day Akari moved. They start to send letters. Till one day Tohno is about to move too. They decided to meet once again. Maybe for the last time. They like each other but never mutter the word like DAMMIT. This is one of fucking reasons why I hate this movie *crying* ok that meeting is their last time. Dammit dammit. They never meet again. Till they’ve both married to another person. In the movie Tohno always wears the depressed face when Akari looks happy with her new life with her husband. Woman really knows how to fake, yeah? *crying* Oh and the second episode is about unrequited love. A girl who likes Tohno but she knows Tohno already likes someone else. To be honest I don’t really care about this. After I watch this movie I realized there is thing that hurts more than unrequited love; couple who loves each other but can’t be together.


Overall this movie is awesome. It makes me cry more than another series. Even when I typed this I was crying haha. The animation is good. The sceneries are beautiful. Music is good too. Makes me crying even more haha. Bcs of that I don’t ever again want to remember this movie. The pain still remains in me *crying* I hope after I write this feeling of mine of 5cms/second makes me a bit lighter. Why do I sound like a depressed girl who just broke up haha. I do sound exaggerate way too much but this is what I truly feel about this movie.  So, I RECOMMEND YOU TO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE O_<


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