fall season 2012

Heeeeeeey i want to write smth but i keep procrastinating orz well i want to write smth about one of the animus i watch this fall season buuuut hmph idk why do i keep procrastinating. I even procrastinate to watch the updatest of those animus ep but instead i keep watching running man. I guess i miss watching smth funny cz these past months i’ve not watched comedy genred animu. The last comedy genred animu which i watched is i guess it’s danshi koukousei. Well yea i watched another comedy like shirokuma cafe and tonari no kaibutsukun but i think i need smth similar to arakawa under the bridge, danshi koukousei no nichijou, and sket dance. Ah! Maybe i should watch gintama but so many eps to catch up *CRIES* nope  i don’t want to start watching it by the newest ep of gintama 2012 or is it called kintama if i’m not wrong guessing. And DMCA now adays keep tightening it makes us more difficult to dl things. Yea mf is still kickin’ but it always deletes the files which are uploaded even just in a day 8( ilegal things can’t be done that easy huh


Back to the fall animus I take chuunibyou, k, tonari no kaibutsukun, litchi hikari club, zetsuen no tempest, magi, little busters, code:breaker, btooom!, bakuman 3rd season, psychopass, jormungand: perfect order, robotics;notes, and sukinayo. I planned to add jojo bizarre. But those titles, some are already dropped and is on hold on for a while(cz i’m not sure whether i’m interested to them or not lol /kicked)



  • Little busters. I tried to watch because of the main char is voiced by midorikawa hikaru. But it didn’t trun out well as for me. Maybe because it’s adapted from eroge (it’s vn or eroge i’m not sure). Watched the first ep and my first impression is wtf i don’t like the story so it was automatically dropped.



  • Code:breaker. My first impression of this title is uhm typical shonen. I don’t really like the heroine. And the mainchar is cool-arrogant type i guess. And i think plot will be boring buuuuut i guess i need to watch more to decide whether this title is  as i guessed or i’m wrong.
  • Chuunibyou. It’s made by kyoani. It’s cute and unbearably moe and at first when i watched the ad i thought that this title is battle genred but i was wrong. i was excited to see battle plus kyoani but erghhhhh the battle is just a delusional world of a girl. It’s cute though. I’m dissapponted it’s not battle genred but i think i want to watch it more.
  • Robotics;notes. I only watched the first ep. It seems interesting. I think i’m going to keep watching it. But so many eps.
  • Zetsuen no  tempest. Basically this title is BL. I have watched till 3rd ep but still didn’t feel any excitement so i’m not sure to continue or drop. Though i’ve dled till six.



  • Tonari no kaibutsukun. Cute comedy-romance-shoujo genred.
  • K. absolutely a BL titles. Fangirl material.
  • Litchi hikari club. First i watch the animu. It’s so short just 3 minutes per one ep. The fans of this series got dissapointed cz the animu is chibi/comedy animated compared the manga which i heard is a good one so i tried to read the manga and wooooah a hardcore gore plus BL. and nice nice i found the animu cute after read the manga so i keep watching up till now.
  • Magi. I think this is a must title one for fangirl so i tried and it turns out well cause has so many good seiyuus ^q^ story is good chars are candy eye  i think. Yea, another fangirl material.
  • Btooom!. good battle tittle i like it. Has similar basic with SAO but i think this is much better. Well i’ve written about btooom in the previous post.
  • Bakuman 3rd season. I read the manga. I watched the 1st and 2nd season so i just need to watch the 3rd.
  • Psychopass. Good story. Raising my tension and building my expectation. Has gore potentials but there is no a single gore scene or such. too bad 8’(
  • Jormungand: perfect order. I watched the 1st season it’s so cool so i need the 2nd season.
  • Sukitte iinayo. Typical shoujo series. A mellow-serious one i think. It’s good and refreshing so why not.



Wew i wrote so much. Didn’t plan to write this though i was thinking to write about running man when typing the first paragraph. But weeeeell good thing i ended up writing smth *\(^p^)/*


fall 2012